

Open days/mornings/evenings are a chance to showcase the great work you do in your department: the event may be aimed at potential GCSE/A Level candidates or it may be for prospective pupils (and their parents) who are entirely new to the school. Whatever the audience here are five ideas to help you make the most out of the opportunity. Get your geographers doing geography! You may well have a group of pupils who have volunteered to help you in the department. To get the best from them (and in so doing show parents their enthusiasm for geography) you need to get them involved in a stimulating geographical activity – something they will enjoy and, for practical reasons, will be able to do without close supervision. The activity you choose will depend on your resources, workspace and the age, skills and interests of your volunteers. Practical activities can work really well: such as making contour relief models out of cardboard  and models from paper such as Montserrat Volcano from the

Geography tips

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